Monday, 23 September 2013

When my heart was fragile.....

I came across this in my emails, I have been writing all sorts of weird things in my life. I seem to be successfully recovering them. though I should share, copied it the way it is lol.
-----Original Message-----
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 23:05:53
To: Olorato<>

Subject: Fragile heart

Its often the essence of our inner being that brings enough sense into our worlds. Its the priceless moments that capture us. Its that right standing of an unshakable and rigid knowledge that you have all the strength in the world to overcome anything. Worlds shatter, nerves become the catalyst to uncontrollable emotional in and out flows, when the heart feels fragile. Vulnerable. Weak. Unstable. Confused. Indecisive. When a heart almost seems misplaced in its own shell. When the glass breaking sounds inside your head send chills down your spine. Unworthy and in pain, it slowly turns from rock solid to melted larva. Fragile heart, what are you doing to me, really, where am I going to end up with you leading me so dismally?? I'm crushing and burning..- can't stand this these jelly knees. Fragile heart don't lead me astray..lead me to him. Allow me to that exciting uncertain road, familiar yet so new, fragile heart...I don't trust you but I am holding on to my last breath, giving you another chance!
*its got plain and usual diction, that's how far my writing is!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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