Thursday, 26 September 2013

Isaiah 54

Recently I have been exploring certain concepts in God that I previously did not understand. I have found different ways of searching out truths I either did not know or fully grasp. One of those ways is to read the introduction page of each book. I doubt many people do that. It has become an eye opener and a half. When I plan on starting a new book in the Bible, reading the introduction page always sets the right mood because there’s no more guess work as to what is going on. Also, my mindset is precise as to what the general theme of those specific scriptures are, who the people in there are, what they were all about, the reason the author was in that mental frame, why God was communicating the messages he was and also how what is being said, relates to me. I have completed my journey with my gentle brother Mr. Romantic letters Paul but I will definitely post more on his books. For now I am following Isaiah around. A prophet sent to his people of Jerusalem to warn them about their current lifestyle of sin, failure to trust God and nasty behavior. He also prophesied about the peace that would come in the future. {Chapters 1-39}

In {Chapters 40-55} the people of Judah find themselves in exile Babylon, totally depressed. Isaiah steps in here to encourage them and remind them that God will take them back to their Jerusalem. ‘ A notable theme of these chapters is that God is the Lord of history, and his plan for his people includes their mission to all nations, who will be blessed through Israel" says my NIV introduction page. This is where I started blushing: putting myself in these people’s shoes and hearing the words that prophet Isaiah says in the entire Chapter 54. I have a feeling that among them may have existed a few other priests and prophets but see, God sometimes just equips one among a few to be his mouth piece. Many a times it is not even because they are eloquent or handsome but because of the state of their hearts and a plan of glory on his part. Gentle brother Prophet Isaiah deserves a JOB WELL DONE certificate; he was wise in listening and relating the message from God so well. In chapter 54, I found him using metaphors that just blessed my heart.

It goes:
1. Sing, o barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband.

4. Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.

5. For your Maker is your husband- the Lord Almighty is his name- the Holy One of Israel is your redeemer; he is called God of all the earth.

10. Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord who has compassion on you.

11. O afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted, I will build you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with sapphires.

12. I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones.

13. All your sons will be taught by the Lord and great will be your children’s peace.

16. See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who has created the destroyer to work havoc;

17. No weapon formed against you will prevail and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me, DECLARES THE LORD!!!!!!!
I love precious stone, that’s another one of the reasons I found myself blushing when God started including them in his plan of rebuilding these people’s dwelling place. I am that person who plans to own a few of these precious creations of God. But they were not the only reason I was so happy reading this. God speaks of how the barren woman should just jump up and pull out a few dance moves during her barrenness (and the widow too). This symbolizes lack, unproductivity and insufficiency in all the situations we may find ourselves. But he brings in the concept of remaining joyful amidst all of that. This is a state of really trusting God, it is not easy but it is something we need to do, refuse to become complacent and dine our sorrows with hosting pity parties. He then helps us to see that there is really nothing that comes out of us being ashamed and humiliated by our state, we should look to him and not fear.
When he says: "5. For your Maker is your husband- the Lord Almighty is his name- the Holy One of Israel is your redeemer; he is called God of all the earth.’’ I just can’t help but extend my smile. This loving God is said to be my husband. Oh Jesus. He speaks of not being afraid even when mountains and hills are being removed, this, in my opinion may be those things that protect us and keep us "ever green" and prosperous, the things we depend on that give us security. In our walk in discovering this great God, we need to reach a level of total dependence on him. He says that in the midst of us being stripped off of all that we depend on; his unfailing love will sustain us.

God reminds us at the end of this chapter that he is also the one who permits all the difficult challenges we face, he allows the devil access to us, to shake us up a little, to trick us and make things seem like all the odds of life are against us but in the same breath, he assures us that we will not be harmed, those weapons will not prevail. This may seem like it contradicts itself. See, I think what God thoroughly meant was that in as much as we see our trials as hectic they are minute as opposed to his power to overcome those weapons. He speaks of our heritage, the heritage of winners, successors, victors, conquerors, ok you get it. He calls it ours, so my inheritance in God, your inheritance in God is purely victory. Among barrenness, widowhood, no mountains and valleys and Mr. Havoc and Miss Trouble following us, we are heirs of victory.

I love this God. I hope this has encouraged someone somewhere irrespective of what they may be facing.

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