Thursday, 26 September 2013

Mary-magdeline type affection

So I have been searching my mail box for all my previous written pieces that I would like to share. this one is just so close to my heart. I hope you enjoy it hey. the Mary0Magdeline type affection.


Please read Luke 7:36-38 & Mark 14:1-9.

The devotion of any heart stems from love and attachment, its a bond established and cultivated by effort, time, attention and zeal. When a man loves a woman, or vice-versa, there's a laying down  of one's life in order to better attain the most important goal of making the partner happy. The same is equally true with our relationship with the Holy Trinity, except  the deity and its own attributes, remain constant, unchanging and ever flowing whereas it takes a step further from our part to nurture and invest all of who we are in this relationship. The truth of the matter is that a lot of who we are must become subject to change and a true laying down and self death is required. This change needs to be so well thought of and planned that the conventional barriers that are in conflict with change will not prevail over our mind sets. Mary-Magdeline did not pursue purity, integrity  or faithfulness to anything or anyone, she had succumbed to a self- deteriorating lifestyle and had down sized her self worth to very close to zero. Her surroundings did not offer any mercy in aiding her. Her stagnant lifestyle not only earned her a shockingly notorious reputation, but killed the true Queen of God that she ultimately was. It took just the knowledge of the presence of Jesus in a closer and accessible surrounding, and her finest and most valuable asset, her Alabaster box, to transform, restore, redeem and exchange her whole life state back to its original intent, will and purpose- to love, pursue, devote herself to, learn from and worship the only Master- Jesus Christ who did not care of her record and current state but sought to make her a generation to generation model of true worship. The  Mary-Magdeline type of affection divinely mirrors the example of Jesus' prophetic act of washing the feet of the disciples. It scales down to the affection of Ruth laying down her body at the feet of Boaz, it includes the same sacrificial type of offering that Moses' mother showed when she rescued him in the woven basket along the river. Its in this type of affection that we notice the protocol of true love: the identification of our own states as void, incomplete or needing a complement, the identification of a being so supremely able, self sufficient and majestic which  has undoubted ability to cause a transformation and improvement in us that's far above what our imaginations can fathom and the actual act of leaning towards and the offering of worship to God while  acknowledging and being thankful to him. A deep extent of honor, consistency, continuity and blissful flow will come out of all this. Any commitment deserves this kind of affection, one that's unplanned,  not auditioned, original and genuine. Mary-Magdeline found herself in him, discovered her purpose, erased her shame,  matured in faith and realized the missing link of her distorted life order. It cannot succeed without humility from ones heart.  "My opinion of the Mary-Magdeline type affection. Sandra Refilwe Sello Maphoto"
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someone out there understands this. :)


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