Another amazing weekend with my awesome Bethesda Singles
family at our Caribbean outing, well it left me exhausted as if I did any of
the physical games. Nonetheless, I crawled to bed shortly after getting home so
20h00 did not find me fully alive.
That was a good thing because Sunday morning
I was up at 06h00. I had four hours before leaving the house. The Sacred space
on Metro always just soothes the mood, this time it was blending in with
Colossians 1. This letter from our romantic gentle brother Paul (God bless his
rich soul) to the saints # I find this saints word s heavy hey sheeesh# at
Colosse just shifted the position of my heart a little to the right. I think
right now it has a new position, like somewhere miraculously in between or high
chances are it’s all in my head hehehehe. But no man, you know what I mean.
So Colossians 1 as I mentioned, had certain points in it
that just spoke volumes into my life and my quest of getting to discover and
explore more of God. I am going to try my level best to lay it out the way it
has been planted inside my heart and hope you get a feel of why I think this
shifted my heart to squeeze into a different position.
3 we always thank God,
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ when we pray for you, 4 because we have heard
of your faith in Jesus Christ and of the love you have for all the saints -5
the faith and love that springs from the hope that is stored up for you in
heaven, and that you have already heard about from the word of truth, the
gospel 6 that has come to you.
Paul thanks God, he
has an attitude of being grateful and appreciates God for these people, it must
mean they are worthy of being so appreciated because of the way they conduct
and live out their faith. We need to find ourselves being those people that
when thought of, others are grateful to God for our existence. These people
display a different kind of faith, one that he specifically calls to have
sprung from heaven itself through hope. He also applauds them for having heard
the word of truth, which is the gospel. I don’t think he would have mentioned
their hearing of the gospel, which he espouses as truth, had he not seen the
after effects of their hearing it in them.
6 continues to say:
all over the world, this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has
been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God’s grace in
all its truth.
This gospel seems to have spread and fortunately, like with
them, has been growing and showing real results (fruits). I love how he just
wants to point out his observation or rather what he has been told about their
attitude and response to it; one of understanding. To them it came with the
full realization of God’s grace. These people where a different breed I tell
you hey, I honestly yearn that such may be seen and said in and about you and I
as followers of this amazing man called Jesus Christ.
10 and we pray this in
order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every
way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11
being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you
may have great endurance and patience…
We have seen how Paul feels about these people, they had it
together when it comes to their faith in God, but he continues to pray for them
to live lives worthy of the Lord, this should show you and I that we are never
really there, we can never say we have arrived and we have made it, we know it
all, we understand, we have the revelations all stacked up in our brains. Faith
is progressive; we need to have an unending thirst of knowing God. He prays
this so that they may please God, honestly by now, God is pleased by these
fellas but see what I mean, we need to strive to maintain that, we can’t fight
to constantly attain it but we can maintain the standard we have set within
ourselves to please God, and even raise it because we will be understanding and
knowing who he is more and more. I struggle with patience, endurance I have
seen myself grip in certain situations but patience, oh help me Lord, this came
as a lesson that patience is not just another fruit (result) of the Spirit but
it is a praiseworthy character trait and it comes from God, I can’t source it
out of myself, I need to submit and ask God to lead and school me on patience.
…and joyfully 12
giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance
of the saints in the kingdom of light.
Did someone see that? God qualifies us bathing, He just
takes us as we are, confused, ignorant, naïve, frustrated, without form or
direction, works on us and then by himself, through himself and for himself
qualifies us. Like I don’t know hey. In Sepedi we say : “a ke sa tseba”. So in
this way, when we relate this scripture towards us, I (you too) am now qualified
to share in the inheritance of the saints (that word again) in the kingdom of
the light. Me. You. It is no wonder he prays to God that they should give
thanks joyfully. Nothing that God love like a cheerful, zealous and vibrant
attitude towards Him.
13 for he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and
brought us into th kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption,
the forgiveness of sins.
I rest my case bazalwane.
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