Thursday, 12 September 2013


Here's the thing, we are so concerned with letting the world see each "visible" sector of our lives that's prospering, but fear to come out with the intangible things that God is doing inside us, we  avoid sharing the lessons that have made us who we are, we are so fearful of being judged or perceived as though "we think we are better." If God has elevated your knowledge, wisdom & understanding of Him & His Word, don't shy away from sharing that (in
fact God expects us to share) . I've had people tell me how I exalt myself high above them (this insulted me) because of my holier than thou statuses about God this and God that (then the insult disappeared). *I think the rise of salvation and God conscious people is irritating unbelievers* I'm a passionate person and I did not appreciate having people who are not consumed or rather who are not "as" consumed as I am with God, dictate to me how I should express  myself. I figured I may not be the popular kid on the block because of what I fill my schedule, mind and Facebook time line with and that well, seemed pretty fine with me. I am also a stubborn believer in relationships and equally the lack of them hence walking away from friendships or disapproving acquaintances that did not give my faith a chance became so easy to get used to. Truth be told, its not always  simple and effortless to walk away from anything you are used to having around, but given a worthy reason, it becomes a bit lighter to do. There are invisible prison cells that the world has erected to imprison believer's voices and expressive abilities. This is all because, the human being always hates or fears what he doesn't understand. Actually this keeps re-occurring in my life, excuse me if I sound like I am repeating myself from another post. There's only one solution that comes to mind right now: CONFIDENCE. When you have that, your walk and talk changes, you don't stutter or sound uncertain or doubtful of what you are sharing. Look at any lady looking fabulous in her finest outfit smelling like a million dollars, pounds, niras lol, she oozes of confidence, no other lady (doctrine or opinion) intimidates her. That's how we should feel about expressing what we believe.  If you are growing, share the food that is causing your growth.

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