Friday, 13 September 2013

Block out the noise

I am a busybody. My mind is constantly filled with to-do-lists, ideas and little thoughts I am constantly jotting down. I have to admit I am seeing the effects of my mentor’s presence in my life. It even scares me that so much of her traits have rubbed off of me. Needless to say, they are all traits that are working and keeping my life a little less messy (lack of a better word). Thanks to her *Malebo Gololo* I am a lot more centered and focused, I have tried out different formulas she has taught me, some have worked remarkably and others I just could not grasp. I have become a lady I admire and am proud of. I am a product of my own thoughts and aspirations, but mostly, a product of hard work and carefully thought of decision making processes. God has been His ever faithful self to me even when I fail to be a faithful partner to Him. I don’t want to share the things that go on in my head and in my life all at one go for the fear of any or all the readers of my this blog assuming I am crazy. A combination of my dreams, plans, and current obligations such as school, work and building an empire makes my life pretty hectic. I am so grateful to God for awesome friends and family and special contributions of laughter, love and laughs from people like my mentor and partner.

 Noise. That’s what it oftentimes boils down to.  A lot of noise. Deadlines and plans, more deadlines, personal deadlines, expectations, plans, executions, plans *screams*.  I have recently learnt that blocking out noise is an art. A necessary art at that. I honestly would be in a psychiatric ward presently had it not been the art of muting the noise. We all need to, sometime, somehow, somewhere. Crawl into a corner and just rearrange yourself. Worship. Talk to God, keep quiet and listen to Him speak. It’s something so many of use fail to do hence all this confusion and stress that tend to build up. Read. Take a walk without your phone and headsets. Just you. Block out the noise. It works wonders for me almost fort nightly. It may do the trick for you too. Find your own method. There is nothing more heartbreaking than doing the work of God without knowing the God of all that work. Block it all out and get intimate with the God in you.

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