Monday, 7 October 2013

I care

J.M Farro, an awesome lady I follow said this: "Christians can't afford to have an attitude that says--"I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm going to do what I want, and look the way I want!" We are not just responsible to ourselves, but we are first and foremost responsible to our God. And if we will make it our goal to honor Him with every aspect of our lives, He will bless us, promote us, and use us to make an eternal difference in this world!" She made it seem so simply but I just love the detail in this simplicity. It got me thinking on so many levels. Our conduct and diction for one. Our character traits, our choice of appearance too. I also thought of our reputations, what we are known for, our "flock" *birds of a know". All this caused me to remember a set of questions I recall reading:
1. Can you ask your friends to pray for you?
2. Will they earnestly and effectively petition God on your behalf?
3. Will they claim the promises of God for you when you have a need?
4.Do they encourage your walk with the Lord?
5. Do they inspire you to come up higher in your walk with God?
6. Do they love what God loves, and hate what God hates?
7. Do they have the same values that you do?
8.Do they believe the Word of God, and apply its principles to their lives?
9. Does the Lord have first place in their lives?
I then had some funny link in my mind. See for me, associations are very important, I think I've mentioned this in a previous post. And now these questions just made me realize that J.M's above statement, as simple as it may seem, can become a complex situation on our parts because of factors and influences such as friends and loved ones.
 When she speaks of us being responsible to our God, I'd like to think that this responsibility is dominantly affected by our surroundings and our current mind sets. These needless to say, being affected by the people we keep, entertain and get "influenced" *that word again* by.
I had a very careless "I don't care aTtitude" early in high school, it gained me a fanemy (enemy fans hehehe) base and hardened my heart. It was as a result of so many factors, from lacking a father figure to puberty, rebellion, associations, media, "the cool things" etc.
Fortunately I soon outgrew it as soon as my mom removed me from one school to a Christian private school kicking and screaming.
I felt lost when I got there, suddenly there was less people around me, topics amongst peers was way different, they enjoyed worship and praying, they memorized scripture weekly, they had outreach mission trips to other countries, they had counseling courses and spiritual dance. It took a while to get used to but one out many things I realized, was the fading of an attitude that did not just take responsibility for itself but was as J.M responsible to God too.
I loved being there as equally as I loved leaving to explore a new world for my matric year with my experience. I was equipped as a strong and passionate leader. One with an "I care" attitude.
A chunk of the old attitude still remained in me and though I eventually entirely outgrew it, it still caused some damage.
This was my journey from one deep perspective of life to a deeper but more clear, crystal clear rather one.
"I care what people think of the God in Me, I will do and definitely say what I want, if its what represents Him well, I will look the way I think he looks (through me as another part of His image)

 My God.

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