Saturday, 11 October 2014

The Richest Woman in Town

So I just came across a beautiful piece about faith in my Bible. I know someone out there is going to enjoy this one and I'm certain it will not only bless but deliver and encourage someone else. I love you all and appreciate you taking your time to visit this Blog.

Here goes:

"Rahab was a prostitute who lived in Jericho. The Bible doesn't speak of her having a husband. She had every man in town. Sarah, Abraham's wife, stayed in the tent and knitted socks. She moved with her husband wherever he went and took care of him. There was no similarity in the lifestyles of these two women; the only similarity they shared, was faith. God saw faith in Rahab that he saw in Sarah.

Just before the famous battle of Jericho, the prostitute decided to take a stand on the side of God's people. She hid their spies. Her decision was based on faith. Faith is an action. Rahab took action because she believed that God would deliver her when Jericho fell to the Israelites.

Sarah received strength to carry and deliver a child when she was old. She took action because she believed God-that he was faithful to do what he had promised (see Hebrews 11:11).

Regardless of your position or your past, God raises people up equally. No matter how many mistakes you have made, it is your faith God honors. You have blown it, but God is in the business of restoring broken lives and rebuilding homes. You may have been like Rahab, but if you can believe God, he will save your house.

When Jericho fell, he didn't save Rahab alone; he saved her entire household. All other homes in Jericho were destroyed. The only house God saved in the whole city was the house of where the prostitute lived! You would have thought he would save some some nice little old lady's cottage, with petunias growing outside the door. But God saved the prostitute's house. Was it because he wanted her place? No, it was because he wanted her faith. It is faith that moves GOD.

If you believe that your background will keep you from moving forward with God, then you don't understand that the thing he is asking from you, is faith. Those who live good, clean, separated lives may be proud of how holy they are. But God honors faith. In the Bible, he healed some folks who weren't even saved, because God honours faith.

There was something valuable in Rahab's house. Faith was there. God protected her from fire because of her faith. But he also saved her belongings. When the fire was over, Rahab was the only women left who owned any property. She was the richest woman in town. "

Now go out there and let your faith leave you unnoticed.