Thursday, 29 August 2013

Single Again? sheeesh!

I got asked the famous question recently "so Sandra why on earth are you single?" sad stuff hey, lol an I once again had to explain myself. I always have a bunch of reasons but lucky for me, I found something that just took SOME of the words right out of my mouth. I know many will relate with it just as I have, I even feel like there's absolutely no need to add on to it.
*This picture cracks me up so much.*
"I Thee Wed
It’s not often I find myself wanting a boyfriend. Truly. That’s not to say I don’t. That’s also not bragging. It is the result of good and bad things.

-I don’t want to dwell on desiring things I don’t have. My life is completely unique from everyone else’s. I don’t need to be jealous of what is theirs. This is mine. I will rejoice and be glad in it. That mindset is good, I believe.

-"Complaining is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere."

-I can’t afford the daydreaming. I see a cute boy, I want a cute boy, I imagine life with a cute boy —- oh wait, I only have my past to refer to. That means I start thinking of my past. I have plenty of memories from my past that satisfies my flesh, then fills me with guilt, and leaves me wanting more. I don’t need that painful cycle and I try hard to switch gears when that starts.

-I don’t know what to expect. God created us to be man & woman. Getting married is not guaranteed but statistically likely. That’s a hard concept to wrap my mind around. Plus a lot of the time I suck at being content with God as my main man. Cause I’m human. But I’m getting better at it.

-I’ve taken pride in being single. This is a gift of freedom, flexibility of where I live and what ministries I involved myself in. I’ve turned it into my right not to get attached. “God please leave me single because I’m afraid of commitment but I’m going to cover that up and flaunt it as independence." That’s my attitude some days… if you didn’t get that.

-I don’t want to physically feel that pain of wanting something.  I honestly cringe at the thought anyone would cry over being single. Only because I’m a few life events from doing just that. We desire companionship. God knows that and did it on purpose. It doesn’t surprise him when I say I would like to find someone so why do I hide it?"-Angela Grace

Needless to say, every Ruth has a Boaz, so to my fellow single ladies, pity parties are for losers OK, go out there, paint all your toe nails a different color and embrace being single. don't despair. don't beat yourself up for all your failed attempts, oooooh the way breakups used to stress me, I recall even loosing weight once because I felt like such a failure (hey I am a woman, don't give me that look) lol.
I love you.

God doesnt exist?!?!?!

I don't respect the concept of atheism but respect the people that cling to it. For a few reasons, irrespective of any "logical" reasons that life may hand one that oppose the existence of God, He still is God, from creation to the very breath we breath. Sugar doesn't stop being sweet once a scientist comes up with a "logical" reason why you can alter your mind to taste sourness when you eat sugar, you'll eat it and it will remain sweet. Another reason is, we where not born unbelievers, we believed milk will flow out of our mothers breasts when we where breastfed, not knowing, just believing. Ok, maybe you don't get that but here's what I'm saying: from infancy we all believed there is a higher being that created or orchestrates life, but a fancy degree later, we seem to have gained the audacity and eloquence to doubt God's existence. The same person who still believes in other powers (even basics like electricity) and used to wait for the tooth-fairy, easter bunny etc. For me there's not much sense there. I would rather believe and later find out God doesn't exist (which I highly doubt) than not believe only to discover He does exist and I'd spent my life in deceptive, time wasting and confusing thoughts and false theories, denying myself peace, liberty and the bliss of experiencing an omniscient amazing God. I might be offending someone, but I am not looking to argue with anyone, this is merely my 2cents worth. When one gets to know God bit by bit they realize, like I have, that He is a liberating God, He opposes religion and is far more simpler than what this world perceives Him to be. I've experienced a firm and loving God who is not interested in persecuting us for what we don't do right, but sent His Son to enable us to think and do good. He is the air we breath, we can't measure Him, taste Him, feel His texture or fathom His totality with our mere minds, but that's what faith breeds, believing in a God who's face you have never seen. I also know of how its His will for atheism to exist, and that when He rises to pursue the heart of an individual, no explanation or debate will withstand His love and mercy. Its also Him using my thoughts to write this piece, not to challenge atheists but to glorify Him to His own. We have been chosen, carefully selected to believe, entertaining any other thought that tries to exalt itself above the knowledge of God is unnecessary but guarding against these increasingly growing concepts is vital. For decades now atheism has become viral and perhaps because now I'm experiencing family and friends that confess it as their truth is why I am writing this piece. I believe this was written from the believer in me ONLY, which means tomorrow I will be extremely unable to channel myself to have the "debater" come out in regard to this topic. All sorts of questions, opinions, time lines, scientific theories will be posted but none entertained. God exists. If this makes someone angry I think that may have been the point and His existence opposes religion (and religion always dies screaming). To someone, I may not have made much sense but truth is not for everyone but hence I said in the begining, we need to respect everyone irrespective of what they espouse as truth.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


This is a beautiful poem I came across one day while reading an articles on the effect of flaws in a woman's life. I dedicate it to all my awesome sisters out there surviving this cruel yet wnderful world.
“The only problem with her is that she is too perfect. She is bad in a way that entices, and good in a way that comforts. She is mischief but then she is the warmth of home. The dreams of the wild and dangerous but the memories of childhood and gladness. She is perfection. And when given something perfect, it is the nature of man to dedicate his mind to finding something wrong with it and then when he is able to find something wrong with it, he rejoices in his find, and sees only the flaw, becoming blind to everything else! And this is why man is never given anything that is perfect, because when given the imperfect and the ugly, man will dedicate his mind to finding what is good with the imperfect and upon finding one thing good with the extremely flawed, he will only see the one thing good, and no longer see everything that is ugly. And complains to God for having less than what he wants... but this is the only thing that man can handle. Man cannot handle what is perfect. It is the nature of the mortal to rejoice over the one thing that he can proudly say that he found on his own, with no help from another, whether it be a shadow in a perfect diamond, or a faint beautiful reflection in an extremely dull mirror.”
― C. JoyBell C.

Identity *a crown & the Bible*

Today a sad encounter with an old friend made me learn one of the greatest lessons I've learnt this year and that's the difference between people's views of us and that of ourselves, and also the grave and exhausting work that comes with amending those differences. See, I believe in people and the impact they have on us but above that, I believe in worthy people. Determining if someone is worth your efforts and time is simple. You'll know they are worth it when you assess and realize that their presence in your life has challenged, sharpened, motivated and added laughter and value in the person you are aiming to be. We all have been someone we are not today, we all have thought and acted in ways that amaze us now. But, a big BUT, everyone you surround yourself with now, needs to know and understand your evolution. We all have ways in which we describe ourselves, be it those intangible characteristics or our physical features and that may change but for as long as that Is what we are convinced of, its no one's place to enforce anything different, especially if they are not improving or being positive. I am holy, righteous, beautiful, intelligent, attractive, zealous, did I say holy and righteous, ok yes I did. Now that's what I believe. That's what I am working on improving daily. This may not be who the next person perceives me to be but IF and only if I have decided they are worth it, will I get on a quest to introduce to them why I believe I am that and let them understand that its only upwards from here. People from the past that insist on changing your mind about who you are and will be using the old you as reference, are a simple waste of effort. I keep people in my life based on how they make me feel, I love positive challenges and constructive critiscm but have realized I have very little tolerance to nasty attitudes and petty opinions that only leave me feeling like I am nothing close to what I believe God has destined me to be.

 I am (YOU TOO) the royal priesthood, a holy nation, one belonging to God.
1 PETER 2:9


Andrew Wommack once wrote: " No one can ever be righteous in the sight of God through his own righteousness. Our actions benefit us in relationships with people and prevent satan from having an opportunity against us, but they cannot make us right (righteous) with God. We must trust in God and receive His gift of righteousness completely on the basis of faith in what Jesus did for us. Righteousness is not what Jesus has done for us PLUS some minimum standard of holiness that we have to accomplis."

I think most of my life I struggled with this concept . I recall one of my primary school teachers telling us that no one will ever be able to obey all of the commandments and rules that God has set forth. This honestly confused me. She probably had a point that she was driving home but after that sentence, I think I fell into a trans because I did not hear the rest *hides* It became a rather serious issue as doubts of God even being remotely good crept in. I failed to understand why He would place them knowing full well how incapable we are to adhere to them completely. I viewed God as cruel and unfair. It made little to no sense to me why He deliberately placed all of us in such a guilt packed life and still would not afford us the ability to be perfect and righteous in obeying His commandments. All this God bashing carried on until I came to a crisp understanding of the purpose of Jesus Christ  and the concept of living under the dispensation of grace and not under the bondage of the mosaic laws.

 See, not only did this ease my anger towards God, but it made me become repentant of all those te
dious efforts of trying to attain righteousness and almost always failing and then blaming God for being impossible with His hi-tech (lol) standards. It gave me an indepth understanding of why He has made it clear to Christians time and again that we are incapable of reaching His standards (without His gifting) because should we be able, the whole idea of Him being God is entirely defeated. I have to say, I have fallen deeper and deeper in love with this God who displays my need for Him amidst my 'childish' knowledge of what I wrongfully perceived as my actual need for Him. (I had thought I needed Him to change things so that I can reach the standars, only to realise I needed to yield to His gifting power in order that through my faith I may boldy confess that I AM THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD THROUGH FAITH). It has become an even simpler journey of understanding my flaws and inabilities in relation to His enabling power and His his perfecting hand. I am confident in His timing and that He daily showers me with the gift of righteousness. I am also resting in His timing which ultimately always works wonders for me, without me interfering. God though hehehehehe.

First Post. WELCOME.

Soooooo, for a while now I've  have been thinking and re-thinking and unthinking and disthinking hehehehe of creating a blog. Actually my mentor Malebo Gololo suggested it in a form of a question in my PDP (Personal Development Profile) where I had stated my plans of being a best selling author. It took a while to decide whether to start blogging or not because I was uncertain as to what EXACTLY to blog about. I  am an imature writer and I write as often as I get inspired. One may call me one track minded because most of my pieces are faith related and a bit personal but hey, we are all made differently is'nt it?  I would like to officially welcome you to my blog. I will select certain notes from my stash and post them here. I hope we share certain sentiments, agree to disagree and learn from each other (your comments are highly appreciated). One of the aims of this blog is to encourage and put a smile on someone's face. I know many will relate with the posts that I write from my own experiences in this walk of life.