Tuesday, 15 December 2015


At the break of dawn, when silence equals to tranquility, when the breeze sends reminders of an  awakening yet to come, I found myself again.
I rediscovered I AM... Back here again, faced with the inscrutable  reality of my own existence.

It's a blend of Tenacity and Love that has safely transported me through the many realms of this exhilarating  yet mundane life. A blend so rigid and highly concentrated, that the discovery keeps becoming a force I'm reckoning with.
Confrontations of results from my previous discoveries  meant I'd have to account to self, just how I made it and perhaps why I didn't. Maintenance of the flow that binds up my existence to my purpose continues, only in need of more attention.
It had to be at the break of dawn, when the presence of sunlight is at its weakest but it's intention to brighten is at its strongest. Moments that ooze of hope and leave you convinced of an inner strength you'd forgotten was ever present yet rarely utilised.
"Hello self. We meet again! 😊"
The most dominant of all that accompanies the build up to this point, is the sweet scent of the newness of I AM. The heart racing and mind throbbing exchange of confidentiality agreements and release permission slips with myself. New encounters making this scent richer. A beginning escalating the pace of this scent.
"Hi. We do indeed. Perfect timing...just as something new is sprouting out of the fertile soil."
At the break of dawn, when sounds equal to possibilities , when the streaks of light sends reminders of victories yet to come, I found myself again.
I rediscovered I AM... Back here again, faced with the alluring  reality of my own existence.
I am back. About to add more to this blog. For me. For you. For them. For others