Monday, 29 September 2014

Relentlessly falling

Things in my life are radically changing.
Its funny yet intense. I can't stop to breath before the next whirl takes place.
I am seeing phases transpire that I haven't prepared for.
I am welcoming new methods. What I knew as truth is being challenged daily.
The revelations don't give me time for conviction but cling to my heart relentlessly.

Sooner than I expect, these revelations show up in ways so tangible I can only gasp for the little remaining crisp air surrounding me.

Lines that where invisible are neon. All I've been taught is being put to test.
Things piled up, neatly folded, strategically organized and conveniently waiting to be received or produced, slowly fade.
It doesn't move me like I'd imagined.
It merely relaxes me.
I'd planned all right.
Seems to me God has it all under control. Its a blend of anxiety and excitement.
Falling not knowing the landing spot or texture but knowing I'll live to do it again.


Challenge the way I pray Lord.
Moreover, challenge the way I live.
Challenge my thinking.
Moreover, challenge my stand.