Saturday, 25 January 2014

On the floor

Leaving me passed out on the floor, with no strength, no sense of ability, void, curt, simply silent.
When all that is around me does not make a bit of sense. When all I've espoused as truth looks like an interwoven ball of confusion.
Leaving me unable to comprehend my position.
Experience counts for nothing on this floor.
My life flashing right in front of these very dry eyes. When all that's been, all that's transpired has no effect and the silence numbs the beat of my heart.
Powder texture. Powder weight.
The floor is ice cold yet my skin has grown so accustomed to it, I cant feel it.
Not knowing if I will wake up.
There is so much darkness here.

Where did that come from? Its not a feeling, its not an illusion.
You just reminded me of a simple yet profound truth.
You love me.
Those where your exact words.
"Sandra I love you."
I am going to rise from this state.
You love me.
I have risen. You love me. You have me. You made me. You planned me. I am. I am yours.
You said it. Your proving it.

It all doesn't matter anymore.
You love me!
Psalm 16

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Simply Put

Simply Put"
So last night my sister (my best friend) Sarona sent me this song. I've heard it before but the revelation behind it was so fresh, crisp and rejuvenating. I hope as you read through these lyrics you will be prompted to download and listen to it. It's sung by Fred Hammond. 

I don't really need 
To tell someone their future
I don't really have to see the things
That can't be seen
I don't need another
Hyped up church encounter
Or another clever new Years theme
I'm not looking for another goose bump sermon
Or a word that leaves me passed out on the floor
My basic needs are really very simple
To know You love me
You like me
And I am Yours
I am Yours

My learning could go on throughout the ages
But I just need the plain and simple of what's real
I could memorize and quote a million pages
But I'd rather just express the way I feel

I've tried so hard to know 
The deepest revelation
So I could stand and tell the nations
What it means
But I found the greatest gift
Wrapped in Your salvation
It's really much more simple than it seems
So I relinquish all my witty observations
Leave my so called sacred knowledge at the door
When You died You answered every single question
You said You love me
You like me
And I am Yours
I am Yours

My learning could go on throughout the ages
But I just need the plain and simple of what's real
I could memorize and quote a million pages
But I'd rather just express the way I feel
All those complicated things have no appeal
So I'd rather keep it simple, keep it real
Yes I'm done with all the things that make it
Difficult to know

You love me
You like me [x3]
And I am Yours

Monday, 6 January 2014

Can I just say.....

See I've been learning a profound discipline in God, he is abundant. I don't believe in lack and from being called high maintenance to snobbish, it still doesn't move me. For one simple reason, I've got the grip of humility. When God knows your heart and knows your intentions and then sees your willingness to serve and honor him, he plays his part, he does so and he does it oh so abundantly.

I have serious issues with people who are mediocre and are comfortable with not living abundantly. I wrote in a recent post that there's a difference between BOASTING and BRAGGING bragging rights and I will add here: when God blesses us we should not succumb to some sort of status quo and hide our blessings.

Ok so what the Pastors drive big cars huh?!? Look honey, when we sugar coat these things we are made to look as though we are apologetic for our fruits as though we owe the world a progress report of all the efforts we made while sowing. We have become humble with God and then inadvertently (without our own intent) yep, we don't intend to but we are made to feel» miniature with human beings  because we lack the zeal to celebrate being blessed.

I am of a deep conviction that God is a God of order and even in our most blessed state, he continues to revive us and prepares our hearts to continue to receive from him. "
Yes, it is perfectly fine for Christians to become wealthy, and there is nothing in the Bible that forbids Christians from gaining large amounts of money. The problem is that the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil (1 Tim. 6:10). Jesus said that you cannot serve both money and God at the same time: “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (wealth),” (Matt. 6:24).  Jesus is not saying that it is sinful to be rich. Jesus is telling us that the problem is when Christians start putting their faith, hope, and security in their money (and it becomes their master) rather than God. At this point, they become idolaters and fail to serve the true God.

Also, if a Christian is blessed by God to have large amounts of wealth, then he or she should use it for furthering the gospel. Therefore, wealthy Christians, just like poor Christians, should tithe to the church to aid it in expanding the gospel of Christ. Consider the parable that Jesus gave concerning the use of money in Luke 19:11-27. In it the person who was punished was the one who did not use the money given to him by his master in a manner profitable to the master, and he was condemned. So, when someone is given something by God, he is to use it for God’s glory. This includes money.". Matt Slick once said.

I am writing this post after I'd had a short yet interesting conversation with a colleague who is down right against Christians, particularly leaders living a comfortable and abundant life. I only understand when we group and single out those who are fraudulent and are caught and PROVEN guilty, either than that, I will not belittle God by having a conviction that his abundant blessings are wrong.

Do people even understand that we are all indirectly blessed by God?! When you receive any gift, from a slab of chocolate to a car, the idea was inspired and funded by God himself. Should we now become deputy Jesus', assistant Angels and advocates for the lavish lives that Christians have? We receive gifts, from family, friends and even strangers and besides gifts, we serve a God who orchestrates that we never become desperate.

This needs to be told: we WILL live good, comfortable, enough and more times more than enough lifestyles, not because we worked blood, sweat and tears for it but because God BLESSES the WORK of our HANDS. I think I will explode the next time I meet an apologetic Christian or any other person who feels they have enough authority to disapprove of abundant living.

I said it.
I love you.
Merry nuwe jaar.